…from Sault Ste. Marie Michigan through to Ontario, your journey takes you through the world famous SOO. The Soo is a large city with shops hotels and casinos, which may be a good place to get supplies or overnight on your way To Oba depending on how far you are traveling from!
After Sault Ste. Marie, your next stop along Highway 17 N. is Wawa, Ontario. Youngs General Store is an excellent place to stop and refresh. If you are making it a two day trip stay the night at the Bristol before a short six hour ride into Oba in the morning.
An hour north of Wawa on highway 17 you come into White River the birthplace of Winnie the Pooh! You could grab a burger here or stop at the chip stand.
This will be your last stop for food until you reach Hearst, in approximately three hours
From 17 you’ll turn north on the 631, and fuel is available in Hornepayne if you need, approximately 60 miles from White River. You will continue through Hornepayne north on 631 to Trans Canadian Highway 11. East to Hearst aprox. 45 miles.
If you arrive late into Hearst you may want to consider staying the night there. It is best to travel to and from Hearst and Oba during the daylight hours due to road conditions and moose danger at night.
From Hearst you can have anywhere from an hour and a half to three hours trip on your way To Oba.
With thousands of acres to hunt the Oba area is a pristine example of Ontario's amazing hunting and fishing opportunities. Click below to explore central Ontario's beauty.
What should you bring, how should you prepare ? Follow our simple checklist to make sure that your Ontario hunting adventure is as successful and enjoyable as possible.